Fire Updates

Fire Updates

NW Montana Joint Information Center
Fire Update
August 31, 2003, 10:00 AM
Center Hours 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Phone # (406) 755-3910
North Fork River is open to rafting from Polebridge to Big Creek. There is a mandatory pull out at Big Creek. Big Creek campground is open for overnight use. The road into Kelly Camp is open to residents. Residents are asked not to remove the wrappings on the structures. Westside Reservoir

Road #895 along the of Hungry Horse Reservoir is CLOSED. Middle Fork River from Bear Creek to West Glacier is closed.

Stanton Lake area has reopened. Stage II Restrictions are still in effect.

Going to the Sun Road is still open.
Blackfoot Lake Complex Includes the Beta Lake-Doris Ridge fires, Ball fire, Mid Fire and the Blackfoot lake complex of fires located on Flathead National Forest, 19 miles East of Kalispell, MT. Fire Information
(406) 755-3910, 387-4609.
Size: Beta Lake – 1,046 acres total personnel: 1,046 containment: 5%
Size: Doris Ridge- 2,754 acres For entire complex For entire complex
Size: Blackfoot Lake Fires – 2,477 acres
Size: Ball Fire – 435 acres
Size: Mid Fire – 8,360 acres
Status: Significant progress was made on the burnout on the Beta Fire.
Outlook: Crews on the Beta Lake, Doris Ridge, Blackfoot Lake Fires, and the Ball Fire will be utilizing direct and indirect line and continue burnout operations, which will be supported by aircraft, after indirect lines are completed. The Mid Fire will be monitored from the air and air resources will be used to confine it to the wilderness on the westside. The area closures extend along Forest Road #895 (Westside of Reservoir Road) from its junction with US Highway 2 south along the west side of Hungry Horse Reservoir to the Spotted Bear Ranger District boundary with the Bob Marshall Wilderness. It then extends west through the Swan Lake Ranger District and then heads north following the Forest boundary all the way to the town of Hungry Horse. This closure includes the Jewel Basin Hiking Area. The road closures includes Road #895 (Westside Reservoir Road) from Highway 2 in Hungry Horse along the Reservoir to the Spotted Bear Ranger Station. Campgrounds along the Westside of the reservoir are also closed. A public meeting will be held Monday, September 1, at the Canyon Elementary School at 7:00 pm. Crazy Horse Fire Located on private and Flathead National Forest land, 8 miles south of Condon, MT. Fire Information: (406) 754-4620, (406) 754-2295, (406) 754-2291, (406) 754-3137 Size: 10,500 acres (300 acres growth since 8/29) total personnel: 407 containment: 70% Status: With the dropping humidities, there was an increase in torching resulting in the burning of unburned islands within the fire perimeter. Burning along the uncontained perimeter if the vicinity of Hemlock Creek in the wilderness continued. Outlook: Patrolling and improving existing fire lines, mopping up, and rehabilitation will continue outside of the Wilderness. Plans for an additional burnout later if needed and conditions permit. A community meeting will be held tomorrow, September 1, at 6:30 pm at Swan Valley Elementary School. Upper Kraft Creek road remains closed due to fire traffic. Current Forest Service area closure remains in effect.

LITTLE SALMON COMPLEX Located in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, 47 miles southeast of Kalispell,
MT. Fire Information: (406) 758-5376
Size: 34,710 acres total personnel: 85 containment N/A
Status: Smoldering and creeping in the ground fuels below the inversion was observed. Torching occurred in the canyons of the Leota Fire. Short runs on the south edges of the fires also were observed. A Fire Use Management team is set up at the Spotted Bear Ranger District. The Little Salmon complex now includes 14 active fires: 8 Wildland Fire Use fires (Little Salmon, Pagoda Mtn., Lime Creek, Independence Park, Salmon Point, Casey Creek, South Spud, & Little Hammer) and 7modified-suppression fires that are more than 15 acres include Gordon, Gyp, Crimson, Molly Creek, Leota, & High. The Barsomuna Fire is now being called the Some Creek Fire. This fire is now classified as a modified-suppression fire. To date, ten fires have been declared out/suppressed and six have been combined with other fires.

Outlook: Monitoring of the fires’ spread and map changing perimeters will continue. Structure protection at Beg Praire Ranger Station will also continue. Reconnaissance will be done on the Leota, Gordon, Molly Creek, Gyp, and High Fires for possible suppression considerations. Spotted Bear Lookout will continued to be wrapped. A Division Supervisor will be inserted for future trail hazard assessment. Structure protection water systems will be tested and maintained. Smokey conditions prevented mapping so no new acreage will be shown in today’s report. Decrease in acreage is the result of the moving the Mid Fire to the Blackfoot Lake Complex command.

The existing closure from the northern section of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex Area, South Fork Flathead River Drainage from Mid Creek (3 miles south of Meadow Creek Trailhead), will be expanded to include the remainder of the wilderness portion of the South Fork Flathead River drainage on Spotted Bear Ranger District. This closes Gorge Creek Trail 218, Lion Creek Pass Trail 25, the rest of Little Salmon Trail 29, and the rest of East Side Trail 80. Up the Spotted Bear River drainage Spotted Bear River Trail 83, Trails 87, 173, 177, 359, 92, 143, 90, 229, 447, as well as the upper end of White River Trail112 and 176 are also closed.

ROBERT FIRE Located on Flathead National Forest and Glacier National Park, 8 miles north of Columbia Falls, MT. Fire Information (406) 892-0946, 892-0948.
Size: 49,339 (1,391 acres growth since 8/26) total personnel: 423 containment: 70%
Status: Slow burning ground fires with occasional torching was observed.
Outlook: Mopping up and controlling of the fire lines will continue. Rehabilitation of cooler portions of the fire will also continue. Monitoring will occur on the northwest area of the fire within Glacier National Park, which has open line. Road closures and openings include the North Fork Road being open from Glacier Rim to Polebridge. No stopping along the road and all roads that junction or are adjacent to the North Fork road will remain closed.

The area just beyond Polebridge and the Red Meadows road remain closed to all except residents, emergency personnel and firefighters. A second closure is in effect restricting access to the river access points and Glacier National Park. The exception to the second closure is public use of the North Fork River from Polebridge to Big Creek. Big Creek campground is also open to overnight use. The travel restrictions are in effect due to the concern for public safety. A community meeting will be held in Essex at the Quick Response Unit Facility Tuesday, September 1, at 7:00 pm.

Glacier National Park: The Middle Fork of the Flathead River from Bear Creek access point to West Glacier is closed. Trails and campgrounds in the park’s North Fork area, north from Lake McDonald and west of the Continental Divide, and the Camas and Hay Creek Roads remain temporarily closed until further notice.

Boating on Lake McDonald is temporarily prohibited with the exception of boat tours on the DeSmet, transporting fire crews, and Kelly Camp residents, due to aerial fire suppression. Fish Creek, Avalanche and Big Creek campgrounds remain closed. All trails in Walton are closed. Openings and closures are dependent upon fire behavior. Lake McDonald Lodge is now open to the public. Sperry Chalet is closed for the season. Trails in the Sperry Chalet area are also closed. Call Glacier National Park for more detailed information 406-888-7801.

TRAPPER CREEK COMPLEX (Trapper Creek fire, Paul Bunyan fire, Trout Creek and Wolf Gun Fire) Located in Glacier National Park, 45 miles north of Kalispell, MT. Fire Information: (406) 892-0946, 892- 0948. Complex size – 27,612 Trapper Creek: size – 18,883 acres, Containment - 65% Wolf Gun: size – 8,729 acres, Containment - 50% 3) total personnel: 0 Status: These fires are being monitored exclusively by air with no ongoing suppression actions.

Smoldering, creeping, short upslope surface fire runs and torching were observed yesterday. Pitamakin Pass- Atlantic Creek trail is closed. Morning Star campground is closed.

Outlook: All fires remain in a monitoring status and aerial monitoring of fire activity will continue. Extremely dry fuels, inaccessible terrain, and the remote nature of this fire preclude containment and confinement. Poor visibility and smoke inversions are hampering the use of aviation resources. WEDGE CANYON FIRE Located on the Flathead National Forest and Glacier National Park, north of Polebridge, MT and six miles south of the Canadian border. Fire Information (801) 413-0525. Size: 48,763 (790 acres increase since 8/30) total personnel: 545 containment: 73% Status: Structure protection is in place and sprinklers are maintained in the Trail Creek area. Handline construction continued in the Trail Creek area. Handline was tied into the old Red Bench burn in the southeastern area of the fire. Improvement of handlines along with lining two spot fires south of AkoKala Creek. Burnout operations progressed through the meadow for approximately 1 mile. Residents are reminded that evacuations remain in effect from Moose Creek to the Canadian Border. Teepee Creek Road is closed due to snags. Structure protection measures continue.

Outlook: Continuation of handline construction in the Trail Creek area. Burnout operations in the southeastern area will continue. Handline improvement and mop up of spot fires in the eastern section of the southeastern area of the fire will continue. Patrol and mop up will continue in all other areas. Rehabilitation will continue in the cooler sections of the fire.

Public meeting at Polebridge every night at 8:00 pm. Community meeting at Larry Wilson’s place at 9:00 am every other day starting 8/25. Fires on the Idaho Panhandle National Forest Call (208) 765-7217. There are no new starts in this area right now. Other Fires on the Flathead National Forest/Glacier National Park Middle Fork Complex: 4,913 acres. In Glacier National Park, approximately 5 miles east of West Glacier. The complex consists of the Belton, Center and Harrison fires. Moderate ground fire with some occasional torching was observed. Continuation of structure protection, monitoring, reconnaissance, and aerial suppression on the fires. Ground action on the northern flank will also continue. Rampage Complex: 11,768 acres. In Glacier National Park, southern edge of the Park. The complex consists of the Rampage, Riverview 1, Riverview 2, and Double Mountain 2 fires. Moderate surface
fire with occasional torching was observed. Personnel might possibly be inserted on the east side of the Continental Divide to pick up small slopovers. Structure protection assessment and activities will continue.

Montana Fire Links

Northwest Montana Fire News


EAST GLACIER PARK, Mont. (AP) - U.S. Highway Two between Essex
and East Glacier Park is closed this morning because of a wildfire.

The Skyland fire has burned about five-thousand acres. It expanded about three miles to the northeast yesterday. The plan is to reopen Highway Two -- with escorts -- at 9 o'clock this morning. Travelers will be escorted through the fire corridor, and should expect delays possibly as long as two hours. And Highway Two will be subject to closure again, based on fire activity. An alternative to traveling Highway Two is Going to the Sun Road through Glacier National Park. However there is a 21-foot restriction on total vehicle length, including any trailer.

Every Year it seems we hear about a fireman that starts a fire to get good that hazard pay for putting it out. It Truly is Sad…

ARSON Author: Christin Ayers 7/26/07

Prosecutors said over the past month, Carl Nelson has started three grassfires that came dangerously close to homes.

A Montana volunteer-firefighter charged with starting fires instead of putting them out.

Stevensville Police Chief James Marble said Nelson confessed that he used a lighter to torch dry grass near homes. Amazingly, once the fires got going, Nelson then showed up with other firefighters to put them out. Chief Marble said the fires not only got close to homes, they put some firefighters in danger. Nelson is now facing three felony counts of arson. Nelson's bail is set at one hundred thousand dollars.
Kootenai National Forest
Flathead National Forest

Montana Vortex


The Montana Vortex is a genuine quantum, or gravitational anomaly that defies the laws of physics and nature. Located on Hwy 2 East just thirteen miles west of Glacier National Park, the Montana Vortex has been mystifying and exciting visitors for over thirty six years. When you pass through the "Portal" you can see and feel the power of the vortex and you enter a reality where some physical rules like gravity and perspective are decidedly skewed. Adults and children alike will enjoy this unique experience and many people come back year after year to "Feel The Power Of Nature". The famous "House of Mystery" is a crooked house that sits right in the center of our smallest and most dynamic vortex. Slanted walls and floors inside the house accentuate the power of the vortex and will provide you with lots of laughs and fun as you explore and experience this unique energy field. Native Americans recognized this naturally occurring phenomenon. Like visitors today the Native Americans could feel the energy of the vortex and see the many twisted trees in the area. Elders of various tribes tell us that this area was called a "place of no return" and was considered a place of distinction, that was honored with offerings of tobacco and sweet grass. This tradition still goes on today in an area that has been set aside for these offerings and sacred ceremonies. The true mystery at the Montana Vortex is the question of how human beings can appear to shrink and grow in the eyes of others and themselves by simply walking a few short feet along a level surface? "The Platform" is a level cement area that sits on one of the lines of energy of the vortex. When you stand on one end of "The Platform" in the energy field you will shrink any where from four to six inches. Standing on the other end of "The Platform" will bring you back to your normal size. Visitors are continually amazed at being able to see this natural occurring phenomenon and leave with pictures and video to prove it. The healing Labyrinth is a new addition to the vortex grounds and we invite you to take a walk on it. Walking a labyrinth is an interesting approach to meditation and is claimed by many to have very special healing and spiritual powers.
Our Labyrinth has been built right in the center of the largest vortex on the property and is ready for your personal journey.

The Hexagon is also a new addition. Discovered in 2005 this area has six stepping stones placed in a circle. Each stone is level with all the rest and as six people walk around this circle they can all see themselves shrink and grow. This attraction is unique to the Montana Vortex and can also be filmed or captured in pictures.

The Montana Vortex is consider the most dynamic vortex of all the known vortex attractions in the country. The sensory feelings and the energy that many people feel in their bodies and bones inside the Vortex will amaze you. So come "Feel The Power Of Nature" and experience this natural phenomenon for yourself.

Northwest Montana Photo Download

Bring Northwest Montana Home
Photos of Glacier National Park, Flathead Lake,
the Backcountry of Northwest Montana,
Montana Horses, Pets and More.
Enjoy Northwest Montana Year Round.

The Tamarack Lodge - Northwest Montana Lodging

WoW- Glacier National Park

Northwest Montana Vacation Cabins

Montana Cabin Rentals
Historic Tamarack Lodge
montana vacation
The Historic Tamarack lodge was built in 1907, moved to it's current location in 1948 and completely renovated in 2003, is 3,400 square feet of pure western hospitatiliy.

Nestled in a mountain valley near a blue-ribbon trout stream, our lodge features a large living and dining area complete with fireplace, pool table, foos-ball table, cable TV, as well as a reading area. Located within the Lodge are six beautiful and spacious guest rooms.

Come and experience the warmth of Montana hospitality in true Big Sky style. At the Historic Tamarack Lodge Bed and Breakfast and Cabins, you'll experience rustic charm, lodge pole pine themes, and a huge natural stone fireplace along.

You'll feel the spirit of the past in our old west style, and be pampered with the comforts, charm and amenities of each of our accommodations. Come and enjoy the wonderful ambiance of our classic, six bedroom lodge pole pine Lodge.

In the summer relax on the lawn sipping iced tea, toss horseshoes, roast marshmellows in your own campfire or play a game of volleyball. In Winter curl up by the stone fireplace in the Great Room with a good book and cup of hot chocolate. Anytime of the year step out on the porch and view the sunset, the stars or the shocking blue of the Montana sky. After a peaceful nights rest, awaken to the aroma of our hearty Montana Breakfast, dine in the sunroom or in front of the fireplace.

Glacier National Park

We'll make sure you're comfortable, so you can focus on the more important things such as visiting friends or spending time with your family or just relaxing. Come and experience the true West in authentic "Old Western Style".
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the way Montana was meant to be enjoyed!

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Glacier Park Montana

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Montana Blackfeet Nation

Northwest Montana Tribes
the Blackfeet Nation

Browning is home to the Blackfeet tribe. Of the approximately 15,560 enrolled tribal members, there are about 7,000 living on or near the reservation. Nearly 27 percent of enrolled members are of three-fourths or greater Indian blood.

The Blackfeet Indians are commonly thought to have acquired their name because of the characteristic black color of their moccasins, painted or darkened with ashes.

The Blackfeet Reservation is in northwestern Montana along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Its one-and-a-half million acres are bordered on the north by Canada and on the west by Glacier National Park.

There are eight major lakes and 175 miles of fishing streams.
Tribal permits are required and guides are available
through Fish, Wildlife & Parks. The tribe operates four campgrounds.

Blackfeet Nation
P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417
406-338-7521 or
406-338-7522 Fax: 406-338-7530

Blackfeet Nation ECONOMY
A manufacturing plant on the reservation
produces pencils, pens and markers.
Several other businesses operate under Siyeh Development, Inc.

Major uses of the land are ranching and farming.

The principle crops are wheat, barley and hay.
See local Blackfeet historic sights, such as buffalo jumps, tipi rings, pow wows and the Museum of the Plains Indian, or enjoy horseback riding, fishing and Rocky Mountain hiking in Glacier National Park. Spend the evening hours around the campfire learning about Blackfeet culture, listening to stories, drumming and singing. Meet our little herd of Spanish Mustang horses (original Indian horses) and enjoy walking and relaxing on the prairie, in glacially formed foothills and in the Rocky Mountains where the Blackfeet people have roamed and lived for many centuries.

Our lodge, tipis, and gallery are located on two hundred acres of pristine prairie with a spring fed lake 2.5 miles west of Browning, Montana on Hwy 89 and just a few short miles east of Glacier National Park. Great Falls and Kalispell, Montana are nearest airports. The closest international airport to us is Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Native American Tribute

Polson Montana Golf

Northwest Montana Golf
Polson Country Club

Golf Course: Facility Use
Polson Country Club
Tee times for the 18-hole course at the Country Club may be reserved up to two days in advance. The 9-hole course operates on a first come, first serve basis. Groups of 11 or more players may reserve tee times further in advance and are subject to an advance deposit. Use of the restaurant banquet facilities may be reserved with the food and beverage manager at 883-0259. A cleaning deposit will apply. User fees apply for all Country Club facility uses.

Golf Course: General Rules
Polson Country Club
Polson Country Club is open to the public daily during daylight hours, weather permitting. All players must register at the golf shop prior to beginning play. Non-golfing children under the age of 12 must remain in a motorized golf cart for safety and liability reasons. A valid driver’s license is required to operate a motorized golf cart. Selling of goods and services by non-contracted individuals is prohibited. Bicycles, skateboard, roller-skating, jogging, non-golf related walking, metal spikes, person alcohol, strollers and pets (except those assisting special needs individuals) are also prohibited

Whitefish Montana Caviar
Mountain Lake Fisheries specializes in lake whitefish products. The clear unpolluted lakes of northwest Montana make possible the production of what experts consider to be the finest Golden Whitefish Caviar and Whitefish Fillets available in North America.

Of the several whitefish products we produce, the most unique is our Golden Whitefish Caviar. The distinctive rich apricot hue of our caviar is reminiscent of a Rocky Mountain sunrise. Because of its origin in pristine waters, its slightly crunchy texture, and its mild non-fishy, non-bitter flavor, many experts agree that the quality of our caviar is truly superb. Because of their favorable impressions, our caviar enjoys the enviable distinction of being served on numerous occasions at the James Beard Foundation in New York City, the most prestigious chef's organization in this country.
To assure our out-of-state customers of the utmost quality, our fresh-frozen “malossol” (low salt) caviar is shipped by one-day air in insulated packaging. By shipping our caviar frozen, the customer is given the option of either holding it in frozen storage or of thawing it for immediate consumption or sale. Our caviar freezes extremely well and has a frozen shelf life of more than a year. We are capable of either shipping directly to our retail clients or to their friends or customers. We eagerly invite you to taste our caviar and determine its unique merits for yourself. We think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised.